Wednesday 17 June 2015

Simply Summer Living

To me, summer living is all about being outdoors and enjoying nature. As soon as the weather warms up to a reasonable temperature, I always have windows and sliding doors open!
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Dedicating times to be outdoors can be challenging since we all live busy lives. However, with the weather warming up and the days getting longer, there is no excuse to be spending time indoors, sitting at a computer. But did you know that more time spent outdoors in nature leads to many benefits that contribute to an increase in mental and physical well-being?  So grab some glasses and a few cushions and have a picnic in the park or back garden!

Enjoy summer evenings and nights outside with our outdoor lighting. Most lamps are solar-powered so you can just grab them, charge them in the sun and put them wherever you want. 

Image courtesy of
June 21st is Midsummer – why not have a Midsummer Party with friends and/or neighbours?
Image courtesy of

Whatever you choose, wherever you go, make sure you enjoy yourself!
