Sunday, 19 April 2015

Simply Cleaning

Spring is a time for cleaning, getting rid of old and unused items, and makeovers.

Some people naturally settle into a cleaning routine and others have to work a little harder at it. Some people want an immaculate house and some aim simply to keep up with the basics. Again, the key is to figure out what works for you and do it regularly so it rarely or never builds up and becomes a major chore.

Image courtesy of

The key to simplifying your cleaning systems is to decide on your minimum standards. This is a very personal thing and the key is to be critical and honest with yourself. Remember that a person who chooses a more relaxed approach to cleaning is not a lesser person than one who maintains an immaculate home. It comes down to values and priorities which are personal. The trick is to find what works for you rather than worrying about a standard set by your mother or mother-in-law or an ideal that you have in your mind of what a home “should” be like.

Decide what a minimum standard looks like for you and commit to meeting that standard on a weekly basis. If it is a good week you go beyond that minimum level and tackle some additional tasks and chores. If a week is bad, busy or crazy, you can let go of the extras knowing you have met your minimum standard.

One of the best routines you could invest your time in is a quick daily tidy-up. Give yourself 10-15 minutes before settling down to watch TV or going to bed to clear away stuff. This will then create a space that you are more likely to clean consistently as it is easier to tackle a room that is cleared of clutter. If you have not packed away stuff, you will be less inclined to get the vacuum cleaner or mop out if you have the additional task of tidying up first!

Image courtesy of

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Simply Seasonal: Happy Easter!

I am not a religious person but I still love decorating for Easter. To me, Easter means the beginning of Spring - gone are the dark days of Winter and new life is blossoming everywhere. A promise of longer and warmer days ahead...

Here are some of my favourite Easter decorations. Enjoy!

Image courtesy of

Bird's Nest Door Wreath:

Image courtesy of

Display your favourite Easter Eggs:

Easter Bunny:
Blogger's own image
