Friday, 23 January 2015

Simply De-cluttering - Part Two

Taking steps to de-clutter, organise and order your home can positively impact our lives in numerous ways. Freed from chaos and distraction, goals will seem clearer, energy levels will rise, we will have more time, we will feel better about ourselves and our homes will be a lot healthier.

Image courtesy of

However, there are a number of reasons why we don’t want to get rid of our stuff.  For example:
  • Sentimental reasons
  • "Just in case" we need it again one day
  • Difficulty in making decision (procrastination)
  • Lack of organisation
  • Fear of letting go
  • Feeling wasteful by throwing stuff out
  • Security (safety in holding on)
  • Things given as a present

Think about the real reason why you can't let go. If it is for sentimental reasons, try creating a memory box which can hold small items. For bigger items, take a photograph and keep that instead. (See for example:

If you haven't used an item for the last 12 months and it isn't really of any use to you anymore, ask yourself: "What is the worst that could happen if I throw this away?"
Be OK with the fact that there is a slim chance that you may need the item in the future – but the pay off from more space and less clutter is worth the sacrifice of not having the item to hand.

There is safety in holding on to things and a big clear out means change which can be frightening for people. Try to see change as exciting and not scary - imagine how good you will feel when you finally let go of all those things that weigh you down!

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Simply De-cluttering - Part One

For a lot of people, January means starting life with a clean slate. This could mean eating more healthily, drinking less / no alcohol, exercising more or simplifying our homes. 

Simplifying our homes starts by de-cluttering our stuff so that our home supports our vision of life and only keeping the things that we love or truly need. In return,  our homes will be more welcoming, easier to maintain and more calm.

Image courtesy of
Don’t worry though, this can be achieved without taking extreme measures – utilitarian and minimalist are not the only definition of simple! The trick is to find a happy medium where you are organised to the level you want to be and have your home as tidy as you want it to be.

Reasons to de-clutter:
  • Save time & money by being more organised
  • Less stress
  • Mental clarity and better emotional health
  • Increase space
  • Reduce workload
  • Uncover hidden income by selling unwanted / unused items
  • Create a good impression
  • Reduce allergies
Once you have made space in your home, you can look at it with new eyes and it will give you the opportunity to have a make over to express the new you!


Saturday, 10 January 2015

Simply Winter Cosiness

With the Christmas decorations packed away, our living spaces can feel a little bit bare and cold. And even though thoughts may (very optimistically) turn to thoughts of spring already, for many there are still many months of darkness, wet, cold, snow and ice ahead.
Time to return to winter cosiness! Try adding more of the following elements to add more layers of warmth:
  • Faux fur and knitted pillows
  •  Extra cosy throws and blankets
  •  Textures like baskets and natural winter decor like sticks and pine cones etc.
Image courtesy of

  • Warm rugs on tiled or wooden floors
  • Extra layers of blankets on beds   
Image courtesy of
  • Additional table lamps for warm mood lighting
  • Groupings of candles on mantels, dressers and console tables

Image courtesy of
Keep warm!
