Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Simply Christmas Decorating

Simplicity in decor is what I'm naturally drawn to and this certainly also applies to Christmas decorating. Little touches of Christmas in every room rather than going over the top – whether inside our out!

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 This can easily be achieved by using, for example, festive table runners, tea light holders, star motives, plenty of candles, pine cones and fresh greenery such as holly and ivy.  Try to co-ordinate your Christmas decorating with the colour scheme of your house.

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The goal is to create memories for our family at home, not creating or maintaining a show house! 

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When I was a little girl growing up in northern Germany, we didn’t put our (real!) tree up until Christmas Eve. We would decorate it in the morning and then the door to the living room would be shut for the rest of the day whilst my parents would get everything ready. We would go to church late afternoon or early evening and when we got back from that is when we would be allowed to see the tree lit for the first time. Simply magical!

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Merry Christmas everyone!


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Simply Seasonal: Decorating with Natural Elements - Part Two

While bringing natural finishes into your home isn’t a new concept. The concept of bringing nature to every room of your interiors is a game changer for many homeowners. Whether you look to organic sheets and bedding in your bedroom adorned with birds and rustic leaves or you enjoy a bubbling Zen fountain in your home office, nature can find itself into any space of your life. Design your room around what makes you emotionally charged, excited, calmed or soothed and feel how nature plays a role in your interiors. 

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With the re-emergence of green living and conserving the Earth’s precious resources there has been a renewed interest in homeowners finding building products that have been recycled and used in new ways, reclaimed from other building projects or re=purposed into new functions. From old wood railroad ties being used in ceiling support beams to give a rustic appeal to your room to lumber yards supplying contractors and builders with reclaimed and locally sourced wood products – think of these ideas when remodeling your home.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Simply Seasonal: Decorating with Natural Elements - Part One

The sun shining upon your face, the wind blowing through your hair, the ocean lapping at your ankles or the snow crunching beneath your feet - these are elements of nature we know so well that bring us energy, a refreshing, cleansing and grounding.

If we find ourselves relaxed and energized in the natural world, we are likely to feel similar feelings when exposed to stimuli which remind us of these settings. This is where decorating with natural and/or sustainable materials and seasonal decorating plays a major part.

Here are some relatively simple ideas:
  • Planting indoor bulbs, or keeping low maintenance plants such as succulents, cactus, or just adorning your home office desk with a fresh bouquet can instantly cheer up any room
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  • By using natural fibre rugs, window treatments, natural fabrics, you can achieve a rich and warm room without too much muss and fuss. 
  • Natural things are so beautiful all by themselves in a bowl, you can’t go wrong!
  • Depending on if you want to go formal or casual for your table, choose colours that reflect your home decor and the season.

  • Tree branches and bark, acorns and pine cones, leaves and berries, beach pebbles and sea shells, dry flowers and drift wood are all excellent materials for decorating eco style.
  • Consider using candles, incense, or boil a pot of spices – cinnamon sticks, cloves, and nutmeg to instantly transport your home into seasonal mode.
  • Put up nature photos or screen savers that depict nature vistas and seasons.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Eight

Sit down to eat.

Mealtimes are a wonderful way to slow down. Sitting down for meals rather than eating in front of the TV or on the go is important not only for connecting with our loved ones but also for digestion. The more comfortable and inviting your eating area, the more likely you will be to remain seated for a meal. Fresh flowers on the table, candles, comfortable chairs and other simple enhancements go a long way towards making your eating areas appealing.

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Guten Appetit!


Saturday, 15 November 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Seven

Remove stress triggers from your home and disconnect from the outer world.

There is nothing more stressful than walking into your home to a bad smell. Make sure you keep your house aired as much as possible or, when the weather is too cold, use subtly fragranced candles or diffusers. Adding instant cosy light, warmth and fragrance, they can set the mood, help you to unwind and are also a great interiors trick to add a final touch to your living space.

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Simple choices such as not watching the news or checking social media can drastically reduce stress levels. However, stress triggers can take the form of anything that makes you feel uneasy, such as an untidy desk, broken items or items that are disturbing to look at either because of their content or because they remind you of a subconscious memory or association.

This is especially true for the bedroom: our bedrooms should serve two purposes only - rest and romance. That means removing things such as televisions, computers, phones and workout equipment from the bedroom.

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Have a relaxing day!


Friday, 7 November 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Six

Connect with nature

We often feel most relaxed in, or surrounded by, nature. There are many ways to bring nature indoors such as pulling back curtains and blinds to let in sunlight and fresh air, keeping plants or flowers indoors and decorating with natural materials. Try and reflect the changing seasons by using seasonal decorating ideas (more on that later). 

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If you can, try to create an outdoor living space – even if it is as simple as having potted herbs on the window sill or a seat cushion on a fire escape. Look for items, which can be used in unexpected ways, will add individuality to the space. Terracotta saucers can become large candle holders and grouped on a table. Black plastic throw-away nursery planters can be sprayed painted and filled with mood-enhancing ferns. Wind chimes, pottery and unique sculptures add to the mood and compliment nature.

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Enjoy creating your special place!


Sunday, 2 November 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Five

Create focal points

Creating a fabulous focal point in a room is a great way to re-energize a space. It is also a great way to take the focus off the less attractive features of a room. Focal points can be as simple as a bowl of fresh fruit in the middle of a table, a fire or candles, a well-placed photograph or book.

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Surround yourself with objects that you love and make your heart sing. Beautiful and treasured belongings cause us to slow down and pause. As we take in these loved items, we connect with what is meaningful to us. 

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Create focal points with art, objects and pictures, or by highlighting beautiful views.


Friday, 31 October 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Four

Prioritise function and comfort

Of course we want our homes to be beautiful but not at the expense of being functional and comfortable. If we want to spend more time being instead of always doing, we need to make sure our homes support our daily routines. When selecting furniture, focus on comfort and not just looks. Arrange furniture to make conversation easy, keep a cosy throw at hand, install proper lighting for reading and have a coffee/end table in arm’s reach to place books and glasses etc.

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Three

Choose relaxing colours

Colour can be used to harmonise and create your sought after atmosphere and ambiance. Use it not just with paint on your walls, but also with furniture and/or accents such as rugs, cushions and accessories.

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Be conscious of the quantity of colours that you use, especially for small spaces. Use one or two colours as an accent, rather than a smattering of bold colours.  It is a good idea to avoid loud patterns, especially sharp angular geometric shapes. 

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The easiest way to approach the idea of relaxing colours is to think of the natural world.  For example, beach colours or forest colours.  Beach colours are muted and soft tones.  Forest colours are deeper tones, yet balancing and calming. Keep background colours neutral and add splashes of colour by using accessories reflecting the natural world and seasons.


Saturday, 25 October 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part Two

Focus on your entrance

At the front entrance to our home, we have an opportunity to leave behind the stresses from our day. Entryways are so important because this is where we transition from the public outer world to our private inner world. 

Create a space where you can shift gears by making entryway welcoming and appealing. Place something outside your door that makes you stop for a moment, such as an attractive plant, mat or lantern. 

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Once inside your door, create a stopping place by placing a table with a lamp, a spot to place keys and mail or a bench / chair to sit down and take-off your shoes. 

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A special object or a favourite picture is a great way to welcome yourself home!


Sunday, 19 October 2014

How to create a simple and relaxed home - Part One

Simplify & de-clutter

A clutter filled, disorganised home depletes our time and energy and can make us feel stressed; whereas a tidy, organised space gives us room to slow down and breathe - as well as time and energy for the experiences and people that truly matter. 

This does not have to mean a minimalist style but try to only keep objects that are meaningful, useful or beautiful and let go of the rest. In return your home will be more welcoming, easier to maintain and more calm.

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Reasons to de-clutter:

  • It saves time.
  • It gives mental clarity and better emotional health.
  • Increased space.
  • Reduced workload.
  • It uncovers hidden income (i.e. selling the stuff you no longer need).
  • It creates a good impression.
  • It may reduce allergies.
  • Gives you the chance to re-invent yourself.

What are you waiting for?


Saturday, 18 October 2014

Welcome to Simply Home!

My name is Sabine Ritter-Maltby and I am the creator of this blog.

I believe that our homes should be a refuge - separate from the often overwhelming, fast-paced and demanding lives we lead outside of our homes. A place where we can let our guard down; completely relax and be ourselves.

Unfortunately, the hectic outer world intrudes too often on our inner space. Instead of peaceful sanctuaries that nourish and soothe, our homes have become extensions of our busy lives.

We need to reclaim our homes’ intended purpose as a place for renewal, connection and inspiration. When we simplify our homes, we can find our way back to the calm, protective and healing environments our homes are meant to be.

Simply Home will give you ideas for interior design, stylish organising and seasonal decor.
